Self-identified Downtown residents
Question: Do you support the proposed East Crossroads stadium proposal?
57% - No | 30% - Yes | 13% Maybe
Surveyed: 242 identified as residents within our downtown boundaries.
self-identified downtown workers
Question: Do you support the proposed East Crossroads stadium proposal?
69% - No | 25% - Yes | 6% Maybe
Surveyed: 68 identified as workers within our official downtown boundaries.
Reason for responses — find all responses at the link Google Sheets link below:
NO: “Displacement of businesses, destroying the arts culture”; “Tax or not, it belongs in the East Village.”; “The traffic alone would make me never want to visit DT KC. AND would force me to move away from DT.”
YES: “I want to be able to walk to a game!”; “Connectivity to P&L”; "It would be a great catalyst for future economic and physical development of downtown.”
MAYBE: “If this goes through, I would like more information on how the city plans on redeveloping the East Village.”; “I favor an “in-the-city” stadium but I don’t want some of the small businesses in the designated area to be displaced.”; “I support the downtown stadium IF 1) the community benefits (via an official Community Benefits Agreement) is strong, 2) businesses are paid appropriately for their properties that must be taken over…”
Here is a link to the all of the responses to the Survey:
Surveyed thoughts on parking:
Transportation Infrastructure: Many express the need for reliable, fast, and frequent transit options connecting from other parts of the city to alleviate traffic congestion. Suggestions include fully funding the RideKC Bus system, building more streetcar routes, expanding light rail alternatives, and improving coordination with existing events to manage traffic flow. Keep Oak open and there’s concern about always having Grand closed off for events as is at the T-Mobile Center.
Parking Solutions: Concerns about parking availability are prevalent, with suggestions ranging from building more parking lots and garages to utilizing shuttle services or designated parking areas outside downtown. Some advocate for technology-driven solutions to provide real-time parking availability information.
Location Considerations: There is significant opposition to building the stadium in the downtown Crossroads area, with suggestions to move it to other locations such as the East Village or the North KC spot. Concerns include potential traffic nightmares, disruption to local businesses, and the strain on existing infrastructure.
‘No’ responses were most concerned about:
Impact on Local Businesses: Many express concern about the destruction of local businesses due to the stadium construction, worries about increased rent, and potential displacement of small businesses that contribute to the vibrant character of the area.
Traffic and Infrastructure: Concerns about traffic congestion, inadequate infrastructure, and lack of additional parking facilities for game attendees are prominent. Many fear that existing congestion will worsen, impacting daily commutes and access to the area.
Community Displacement and Character Change: Residents are worried about the loss of community culture, historic buildings, and the overall fabric of the neighborhood. There are concerns that the stadium's presence may lead to gentrification, corporate domination, and the destruction of the unique identity of the Crossroads district.
‘Yes’ responses were most excited about:
Excitement for Downtown Baseball: Many individuals express enthusiasm for the prospect of having a downtown baseball stadium, citing increased foot traffic, vibrancy, and economic growth opportunities for the area.
Community Benefits Agreement and Responsible Development: Some community members emphasize the importance of a Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) that prioritizes local interests and ensures a fair deal for taxpayers. They advocate for responsible development that considers the needs of both property owners and small businesses, aiming for a win-win outcome for the community.
Main takeaways:
Preference for East Village Location: Many community members express a preference for locating the stadium in the East Village area instead of the proposed downtown location. They argue that it would help revitalize a blighted area, avoid displacing existing businesses, and create growth opportunities.
Concerns about Downtown Location: There is widespread opposition to the downtown location, with concerns about increased traffic congestion, parking restrictions, and negative impacts on small businesses and residents in the area.
Lack of Transparency and Community Input: Residents criticize the lack of transparency from the Royals organization and city officials regarding the decision-making process for the stadium location. There is a perception that the interests of developers and team owners are prioritized over those of the community.
BE SURE TO VOTE on APRIL 2nd & Attend the Election Night Watch Party at Block 15 from 6:00-9:00 PM, RSVP over on Facebook now:
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